DR 4223 TX – Jim Wells & Nueces Counties Flood 2015

- 2 Counties CBDRG Assisted (Green)
- 841 people case managed
- 179 families recovered
- 7,400 in volunteer hours
- $160,000 spent on construction
During May of 2015, many locations across the State of Texas received well above normal rainfall, creating saturated ground conditions. Several small tornados damaged homes in western Nueces and Jim Wells counties. As Memorial Day weekend arrived, the saturated soil forced rain runoff directly into rivers, streams, and flash-flood prone areas including many colonias and low-lying homes. Rain continued into June with more than 20 inches of rainfall in a matter of days. In total, approximately eight million acre-feet of water flowed into the state’s reservoirs. Homes were damaged by floodwater and damaged by windstorms.

Thank You to Our Partners
- Mennonite Disaster Service provided volunteers to repair homes including roofers from Canada who replaced 29 roofs in six weeks. Other repairs and funds were provided by MDS to assist with basic living needs (electrical service, hot water, and kitchen and bathroom repair).
- The Salvation Army pledged $100,000 toward construction supplies and case management.
- A $5000 grant from Home Depot assisted veteran homeowners.
- Volunteers from World Renew performed needs assessments and repair estimates in the affected areas.
- Over 400 families reported severe damage or household needs.
- Rio Texas Conference of United Methodist Church provided case management and training, as well as additional funding from UMCOR.
- Grant funding was received from TEGNA and Cheniere.