April 5, 2019
APRIL 5, 2019 [GREGORY, TX] – Dora Torres and her family are able to move back home today thanks to the combined efforts of the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group (CBDRG), Samaritan’s Purse, and Mennonite Disaster Services – Storm Aid. The family celebrated with home dedication ceremonies where keys were presented to their new owners.
Dora Torres has lived in Gregory all her life. Her house was 80 years old, when it was destroyed by Hurricane Harvey. She had lived in her home as a child with her grandparents and continued to live in the home even after it experienced damages from the Hurricane; falling ceilings, impaired roof, and damage to the foundation that caused the house to lean towards one side
Torres’s home was funded by Samaritan’s Purse. Mennonite Disaster Service volunteers from Pennsylvania and Ohio built the home. Coastal Bend Food Bank provided food for the pantry and refrigerator. Dora Torres shared, “I feel very happy, and everyone has been so nice. We’re so blessed and thankful. It means everything, all this family around me, the people helping out, just everything.”
With the completion of this home, CBDRG and their partners have completed 20 home rebuilds with three completed homes in San Patricio County. CBDRG has 21 homes still under construction, with a projected completion date of Summer 2019.
CBDRG, in partnership with several other non-profits, have completed 124 major home reconstruction projects thus far and is continuing to work on another 60 on-going projects. All of this is possible thanks to the generous donors and hardworking volunteers. CBDRG continues to seek volunteers who range from skilled-laborers to general help. To learn more about the CBDRG and to fill open volunteer positions, visit www.coastalbenddrg.org/volunteer.